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Unhappiness is like gone off milk!

Unhappiness is like gone off milk!

I met Laura at a business course, she’s 24 and is contemplating starting her own business. As the day goes on, I can see her feeling more and more intimidated by the confident characters around her. I feel as though she will not return after lunch, she will use the break as an escape and slide back into the darkness of the ‘complicated’ routine she calls life. She is the type of lady who is the life and soul of the party and has loads of friends, she’s amazing, when she’s there, but she’s not there, she’s here… 

At lunch we go to the local restaurant, I go through my ‘Star of Life’ activity with her to gage the areas of her life she feels cause her most difficulty.

I observe her star, many low scores, I process the results in my head and say “ok we don’t have long left, so, from everything you’ve said, I think we need to delve into you relationship side, as once you feel better about that, all of the other things on your list will start to rise by default.”

She agrees and we spend the remaining 15 minutes and the walk back to the course discussing her relationships in more detail.

The feedback:

“It was great, you can really break down what others can’t see! I knew all of this stuff, but it was too much in my head. Therefore, the way that you break it down is amazing!! Thank you!! I feel more positive, like I shouldn’t get overwhelmed, you understand me and help me reflect… About all the relationship stuff, it made me realise that if something’s not making you happy, it’s like gone off milk. So open the lid, pour it down the sink. It put things into perspective for me and I need to focus on what makes me happy. I’m totally over him. It may sound crazy, but I’m like that. When I make up my mind, it’s made. When you’re trying to be positive, you don’t need the negative. Today is the start of my life.

‘Action April’

‘Action April’

April is all about Action.

As we enter the 2nd quarter, April reminds us that we are nearing the halfway mark of the year, this allows us to consciously continue to activate the energy required to reach our mid-year goals from any New Year’s resolutions we may have set at the beginning of 2021.

April is all about activating the energy needed to propel us to take action towards our goals, so take the time to manifest and stay motivated this month to propel yourself forward.

April Activation Assessment:

It’s time to sit down and be honest with yourself on where you are at in terms of your goals. Grab a pen and paper and jot down some notes on the following questions:

  • Did you set any goals for this year? If so what? If not, how come?
  • Where are you at in terms of your goals?
  • Have you started on your Action plan or are you still planning on starting?
  • How much time have you spent on making your goals a reality thus far?
  • If you haven’t spent any time at all, it may be time to access why? We make time for what is important – so what fear is holding you back?
  • If fear isn’t holding you back, perhaps your goals have changed? Is it time to re-assess?
  • Perhaps you are on track and just need access that extra energy boost to get you through the quarterly energy drain?

And – of course – If you are on track – well done!!

May you maintain this momentum in April and put the various Actions in place this month to stay on track!!

Activate your April energy to Activate your DREAMS INTO REALITY!!

If you require any assistance in this area or want to pick my brain on anything “DM me” and receive personalised feedback on your query. Just fill in a quick form and I’ll get back to you with my thoughts xxx

Love Scarlet xxx