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February 2021

The Month of Love & More Specifically, Self-Love

Here at Scarlet Gabriel HQ, one of the most impactful words for 2021 for us, is LOVE.

LOVE – a little word with a LARGE impact!

During this tragic global pandemic, we have been profoundly reminded of the importance of giving and receiving LOVE.

Therefore, February, the month of LOVE, is so incredibly meaningful this year.

The great thing is that no money is needed to give this beautiful LOVE energy. It’s FREE!!

Therefore, lets FREE up our energy and our space to be able to give LOVE FREELY.

· To ourselves

· To others

· To our planet

Give LOVE to yourself to:

· Let yourself grow and accept yourself no matter what is happening around you

· Open up to embrace opportunities and create beautiful abundance in your life

· Vibrate positive energy to create boundaries that block negative energy

· Encourage yourself to follow your truth to be your best self, so that you can be your best self for others

Through loving yourself, you will be able to mirror this LOVE to others and show them how to LOVE themselves too!

Through loving yourself, you will be able to give LOVE back to our beautiful home, our planet Earth, so that you can take better care of it and by looking after our planet, it will be in a better state (less pollution, less greenhouse gases, less poverty etc.) to look after us in return.

LOVE is a beautiful cycle of reciprocity to the self and to others.

LOVE is the essence of all creation.

LOVE gives LOVE and so it repeats on itself and gives more LOVE back into the world.

From us at the Scarlet Gabriel team, we give LOVE to you and encourage you to give LOVE to yourself, to others and our planet.

All our LOVE,

Team Scarlet

What did you think of this blog post, did you find it helpful. Leave a comment below, let me know xx

Look out For March Theme: Money March xx